Microneedling For Hair Loss

Microneedling For Hair Growth - Hair Loss Treatments in Birmingham

Research has revealed that hair loss clients - including people suffering from alopecia - can experience an increase in hair thickness, density and quality of hair regrowth when they have microneedling.

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the use of tiny needles to create microscopic punctures in the scalp. These punctures stimulate the body's natural healing response, promoting the production of collagen and enhancing blood circulation to the hair follicles.

It works by triggering the release of growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), which stimulate collagen production. Collagen is an essential protein that provides structure to the hair follicles, promoting hair growth and thickness.

Microneedling also promotes blood circulation to the scalp - the improved blood flow ensures the hair follicles are receiving an adequate supply of oxygen and essential nutrients, which are crucial for hair growth.

This treatment can be effective in stimulating hair growth when combined with topical medications too.  

If you are interested in hair loss microneedling at House of Hair Replacement in Birmingham, please call 0121 439 1720 or 07747 478 789 or complete the form below.

How Microneedling Works for Hair Loss

The effectiveness of microneedling for hair loss lies in its ability to stimulate the body's natural regenerative processes.  Microneedling works by:

Triggering growth factors: The tiny needles create micro-injuries in the scalp, activating the body's natural healing response. This process triggers the production of growth factors, cytokines, and collagen, crucial components for tissue repair and regeneration.

Increasing blood circulation: Microneedling promotes blood flow to the scalp by inducing a mild inflammatory response. Improved blood circulation ensures that hair follicles receive an enhanced supply of oxygen and essential nutrients, fostering an optimal environment for hair growth.

Activating stem cells: The micro-injuries stimulate the activation of dormant stem cells in the hair follicles. This activation prompts the development of new hair cells, leading to the growth of thicker and healthier hair.

Producing collagen: Microneedling encourages the synthesis of collagen, a structural protein that provides support and strength to the skin and hair follicles. Increased collagen levels contribute to the overall health and resilience of the scalp.

The Benefits of Microneedling for Hair Loss

There are multiple benefits of microneedling to try and reduce hair loss. These include: 

It is non-invasive: Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking to address hair loss without resorting to surgery. The treatment involves minimal discomfort and requires no downtime.

Microneedling stimulates natural hair regrowth: By activating the body's natural healing processes, microneedling promotes the regrowth of hair in a natural and gradual manner. The newly grown hair blends seamlessly with existing hair, avoiding an artificial appearance.

Serums and growth factors will absorb into the scalp effectively: Microneedling enhances the absorption of topical treatments applied to the scalp. 

Treatments can be customised to your needs: Microneedling can be tailored to the specific needs of each client. The depth of the needle penetration and the frequency of treatments can be adjusted based on the severity of hair loss and the desired outcomes.

Microneedling is safe: When performed by a trained professional from House of Hair Replacement, microneedling for hair loss is considered a safe and low-risk procedure. Any side effects, such as redness or mild swelling, are typically temporary and subside shortly after the treatment.

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What is microneedling for hair loss?


Microneedling for hair loss is a minimally invasive procedure involving tiny needles that create controlled punctures in the scalp. This stimulates the body's natural healing response, promoting collagen production and enhancing blood circulation to the hair follicles.

How does microneedling work for hair loss?


Microneedling works by inducing micro-injuries in the scalp, activating the body's healing response. This process triggers the production of growth factors, cytokines, and collagen, fostering an optimal environment for hair growth.

What growth factors are released during microneedling?


Growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) are released during microneedling, stimulating collagen production and promoting hair growth and thickness.

How does microneedling promote blood circulation to the scalp?


Microneedling induces a mild inflammatory response, promoting blood flow to the scalp. Improved blood circulation ensures that hair follicles receive an enhanced supply of oxygen and essential nutrients, fostering an optimal environment for hair growth.

Can microneedling be combined with topical medications for hair growth?


Yes, microneedling can be effective in stimulating hair growth when combined with topical medications. The procedure enhances the absorption of serums and growth factors applied to the scalp.

What are the benefits of microneedling for hair loss?


Benefits include non-invasiveness, stimulation of natural hair regrowth, effective absorption of serums and growth factors, customisation to individual needs, and safety when performed by trained professionals.

Is microneedling a good non-surgical hair loss treatment?


Yes, microneedling is a non-invasive procedure, making it an attractive option for individuals addressing hair loss without resorting to surgery. It involves minimal discomfort and requires no downtime.

Will microneedling make my hair thicker?


The micro-injuries created by microneedling stimulate the activation of dormant stem cells in the hair follicles. This activation prompts the development of new hair cells, leading to thicker and healthier hair growth.

Can microneedling be customised to my needs at House of Hair Replacement in Birmingham?


Yes, microneedling can be tailored to the specific needs of each client. The depth of needle penetration and the frequency of treatments can be adjusted based on the severity of hair loss and desired outcomes.

Are there any side effects to microneedling?


Microneedling is considered safe and low-risk. Temporary side effects, such as redness or mild swelling, typically subside shortly after the treatment.